I hope you all had a splendid Valentine's Day! With dating profiles like these, I'm certain the lonely hearts of Warframe won't be lonely much longer. Thank you for participating!
Here are the winners of the Plenty of Servofish contest:
I hope you all had a splendid Valentine's Day! With dating profiles like these, I'm certain the lonely hearts of Warframe won't be lonely much longer. Thank you for participating!
Here are the winners of the Plenty of Servofish contest:
"Will there be a leaderboard for most kills of that enemy type over the weekend? I sense the bar is scripted like most in game events and was curious if there is an incentive to do it more than necessary."
"Follow-up: Do kills in Sanctuary Onslaught count even though the enemies aren't real?"
Hey all! I have answers to some of your questions:
"Does that mean that only once the gift of the lotus appears or does it appear like 3 times on one weekend so that we can get 30x relics on one weekend of each?"
"is this both resource drop chance and booster?"
"Wait, does it have to be Lancers, or do Elite Lancers count as well?"
"will the enemy level matter? or as long as you kill the faction that is related to the rewards is enough?"
"Someone tell me which relic of those relics give Spira a Prime please?"
Warframe’s 6th Anniversary is fast approaching! To kick off the celebrations, get ready to declare war: a Weekend War.
Happening over three weekends starting in February, the 6th Anniversary Weekend War Event is made up of a trio of Gift of the Lotus Alerts, with an objective of killing as many of a certain enemy as you can. Take out enough enemies before time is up and you’ll unlock a Bonus Weekend in March for the whole community!
Each completed Gift...
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Members of our community are hosting a Warframe zine, and they’re bringing together 50 artists, writers, and layout designers to participate. If this piques your interest, you can learn more and apply to join their team here!
Once the zine is complete, a digital copy will be available for the broader Warframe community to peruse and enjoy. Printed copies signed by the Warframe team will also be sent to the 50 participating artists!
Applications will be open until Monday, February 11th.
We look forward to seeing what our community will put t...
Heart of the Ordis has returned to Origin System, and along with it, lots of exciting ways to participate in the festivities! From February 6 at 2 p.m. ET to February 18 at 2 p.m. ET, find a variety of in-game items, deals, and more.
Find the following items in the in-game Market to spruce up your ship and Arsenal:
2 minutes ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:I should have worded better I’m sorry!
i mean if you made your own character but say it was a corpus or Grineer, would that be ok? Currently suffering from a head cold so I can’t words today!
Please stick to characters that are already in-game! 🙂 How well we understand the references made in each dating profile will be very important when we're selecting winners. Sorry to hear about your head cold - hope you feel better soon!
2 minutes ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:Can you do your own warframe Oc? Or strictly in game characters?
Warframes are welcome! 😄
Finding love can be tough, especially when your soulmate could be all the way across the Origin System! This Valentine’s Day, let’s help the lonely hearts of Warframe by creating their online dating profiles. Feel free to get creative with the presentation!
How to enter: Create an online dating profile for a Warframe character of your choosing. Submit your profile in this thread for judging!
The written portion of your dating profile must not exceed 100 words.
Need an example?
Read moreThank you all for your submissions! It is a pleasure to not only see your beautiful Dojos but read your descriptions and learn what inspires you. The Featured Dojo contest will rerun in the Spring. I encourage you to reenter if you weren't a winner this time! There are so many beautiful Dojos in this thread that deserve a chance to be featured.
Here are the winners of the Winter 2019 Featured Dojo Contest:
SpoilerFirst Place Winners
PC - First Place
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Back by popular demand, the Acolytes have returned to the Origin System for a limited time!
This is also the first time the Acolytes have appeared on Nintendo Switch. Now is the time to band together and form Squads to show the Stalker’s minions just how inhospitable the Origin System can be for enemies of the Tenno!
Acolytes will appear randomly on the Solar Map so you’ll need a keen eye to spot them when they emerge from hiding. Act quickly and track down the Stalker’s minions to receive exclusive rewards for you and your fellow Tenno!
Darvo also couldn’t let a potential business opportunity pass him by, so he’s offering discounts on the Acolyte’s weapons! The full list of discounts is as follows:
The elemental masters are back!
For a limited time, Ember Prime and Frost Prime return from the Vault. Get these two Prime Warframes plus high-demand Vaulted Prime Accessories, Prime Weapons and discounted Platinum before they’re gone again on March 26!
Fire & Ice Dual Prime Pack Features:
The golden gunslinger herself, Mesa Prime is now available on Nintendo Switch!
Along with a new Prime Warframe, Mesa Prime Access includes exclusive Prime Weapons, cosmetics, and highly discounted Platinum.
If this is your first time hearing about Prime Access, Prime Access is a rotating program that includes the latest Prime Warframes, weapons and more.
Prime Warframes, Weapons, and accessories are representations of technology at the height of the Orokin Era and as such, boast additional Polarity Slots for Prime Warframes and improved stats or effects for Prime Weapons!
While all Prime gameplay items such as Warframes and Weapons can be earned in-game for free, Prime Access allows you to instantly unlock...
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From now until January 28, save up to 50% off select Warframe packs during the Xbox Free-to-Play Sale! Visit Warframe’s Xbox store page or search for the pack name from your Xbox One dashboard to grab these wintery deals!
Warframe Starter Pack (50% off)
It sounds like you're experiencing a bug! You shouldn't have that much trouble staying on your K-Drive. You can expect a fix in an upcoming Hotfix soon!
Tenno! A new Twitch Prime Gear Bundle is inbound!
From January 17 to February 19, you can use Twitch Prime to claim an exclusive bundle containing 50 Platinum (non-tradeable), a 7-day Affinity Booster, and a 7-day Resource Booster.
To claim your bundle, remember to link your Twitch Prime and Warframe Accounts here and then head over to ...
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Last year, we ran the Dojo Remaster Contest to select Warframe’s first ever Featured Dojos! We were amazed by the submissions and delighted that the winning Clan Dojos could be showcased on the Star Chart for al...
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In June 2018, we announced plans to change Warframe’s Minimum Supported Specs. We have officially set a timeline for these changes!
Warframe’s Minimum Supported Specs will change to Windows 7, 64-bit operating systems, DirectX 10 capable graphics cards, and 4GB of RAM in mid February 2019.
We want to move away from operating systems that Microsoft and hardware vendors no longer support and focus on software that improves Warframe’s development potential. Updating our Minimum Supported Specs will keep player experiences safe and stable on operating systems that are up-to-date, secure, and supported by the companies that make them.
We explained in detail when we announced our plans - please click ...
Need Platinum? Save up to 40% off Platinum on PlayStation 4!
Visit Warframe’s PlayStation Store page or search for “Warframe Platinum” on the PlayStation Store to get your discounted Platinum.
The PS4 Holiday Platinum Sale begins on:
Enjoy, Tenno!
This weekend, make Nef Anyo green with Credit envy.
Play any mission between now and December 24 to earn double Credits! This includes Alerts, Arbitrations, Open-World Bounties and so much more.
The Double Credits Weekend runs until December 24 at 2 p.m. ET. Don’t miss out!
Get Your Free Tennobaum Rewards
Because of your collective gift-giving spree, everyone can log in and get FREE in-game items!
Check your Inbox by January 4 to get your 2018 Tennobaum Rewards. This year’s haul includes the Avia Solstice Armor, two Solstice Weapon Skins and more.
Get your free items today!